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News from Rehabilitation & Community Providers Association

Posted on August 1st, 2015 at 11:43 AM

RCPA is pleased to report that the first meeting of the statewide HealthChoices Behavioral Health Managed Care Organization (BHMCO)/RCPA task force was extremely productive. The first meeting was held on July 16 and all BHMCOs attended, along with numerous oversight bodies. As previously reported, the purpose of this task force is to identify any operational compatibilities among the BHMCOs that exist or can be created, in areas such as credentialing, authorizations, procedure codes, billing, and
forms. Members working with numerous BHMCOs with wide-ranging differences in operational procedures causes significant confusion and frustration among the providers. The differences also cause increased errors and ultimately increased costs for all involved. The response from the BHMCOs and oversight bodies was encouraging. Below are the 14 areas identified by the task force that need to be addressed to seek consistency and clarification:

  1. Credentialing
  2. Authorizations
  3. Procedure Codes
  4. Billing
  5. Forms
  6. Promise Applications
  7. Interpretation of Medicaid Regulations
  8. Overall Compliance Issues
  9. Corporate Compliance
  10. Treatment Record Reviews
  11. Statewide Licensure for BS
  12. ICD-10
  13. Precertification Process
  14. BH/PH Integration Data and Co-location

In response to a request from the BHMCOs, RCPA has agreed to develop a survey for the membership to determine which of the areas above are the most troublesome, and to request ideas on how to improve the process. In the meantime, it was decided that two work groups will be organized right away, to address credentialing and procedure codes. These work groups will meet several times between now and the next task force meeting, which will be held September 22.


View full RCPA News publication here (PDF) »




I was in a nursing home and wanted to return home. My service coordinator worked with my nursing home transition provider to ensure that the modifications to my home were completed. She also worked with the home care agencies to make certain that I had attendants in place on the day that I was discharged home. It wasn’t an easy task to coordinate all of the people involved and it took several months to make sure that everyone and everything was in place. My service coordinator kept me grounded when I would get anxious about how much time it was taking, making certain that I understood the importance of having everything in place to be successful in going back home. She was like a rock, always calm and cool. If I had any questions, I could just ask her and she would get me the answers. She would even contact me after work hours to keep me up to date. She was willing to call and keep my family informed and answer their questions or concerns. When everything was in place, I was finally able to go home, my service coordinator checked in on me to make certain I had everything I needed and continues to work with me when there are any problems. My service coordinator from Service Coordination Unlimited has been wonderful. I think it went so smoothly because the service coordinator worked so hard. I am very grateful to my service coordinator for helping me to reach my goal of going home.
