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Preventing Falls Before They Happen

Posted on November 12th, 2018 at 3:17 PM

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), falls are the leading cause of death and injury among older Americans. Falls often result in loss of mobility and independence. It is estimated that Individuals who suffer from severe chronic conditions are seven times more likely to fall than those who still enjoy good health.


Fall proofing your house is the single most important step you can take to prevent falls from happening. Make sure to keep electrical cords and area rugs out of the way. Also, remember to keep your stairs and walkways well lit and free from tripping hazards like shoes, clothes or toys. CDC recommends that older adults promptly report falls to their healthcare providers. Physicians can try to identify the cause of balance problems by completing a functional assessment or ordering an eye exam. They can also switch or change the dosage of prescribed medications, some of which may increase the risk of falling.


Fall prevention occasionally may mean avoiding certain activities or tasks altogether. At SCU, we strive to provide care and services to help vulnerable adults remain safe and injury-free in their homes. If you would like to learn more about available services, be sure to call our office at 1-855-715-1350 to find out how we can help!




SCU has impacted my independence in many ways.  Through transportation services, I am now able to go to many activities such as church, choir practice, the library, museums, the mall etc.  I am able to access the community and increase my interactions with others which has opened me up to feel more like an accepted member of society. 
